When you're not connected to your own inner knowing and navigation system you have little capacity to listen to what your 4 bodies (physical, emotional, intellectual & energetic) are saying to you.
In particular, when feelings (neutral energy loaded with valuable information) are ignored they become suppressed, turn into emotional charges and continue to prod and jab us so that they can be heard.
This dynamic can show up as Emotional Blocks and/or Physical Pain. Often it is both.
I work with Feelings-informed Communication and Embodiment techniques along with Shamanic Practices that guide you back to your own inner landscape where you can listen to, express and transform the blocks and pain into energy that is available to you to live the life you'd rather be living.
Often the underlying driver is an old belief/story/pattern that has been adopted from an emotionally dysfunctional culture. The voices of this emotional charge may sound something like "it's not OK to look after myself", "I don't know how to do it...", "why don't I do what I know is good for me?...", "I must put the needs of others first...", "I should be, nice, agreeable, polite and not rock the boat".